Online Training & Education

Training and education are essential for members of the church, from childhood and through every phase of life. Each new challenge represents a moment in time when we can better understand our faith, and apply it in new and uplifting ways. It can be hard at times to me in person for essential classes and trainings, so we have developed several online courses for our members. This is an ongoing process and we welcome our your feedback regarding which courses you would appreciate.

When clicking on a course below, click "Enroll" to begin

Religious Education

Understanding the Divine Liturgy

In this course, each module will be portion from a seminar series entitled "Understanding the Divine Liturgy." Over five sections, each part of the Divine Liturgy will be introduced and the hymns, prayers, and liturgical actions associated with them will be explained.

Whats the Difference? - Coming Soon

This is a course intended to inform faithful of the Armenian Apostolic Church about its unique standing in the broader Christian world, and to explicitly explain, in historical context, what differentiates the Armenian Church from other Christian Denominations.

Fresh Faith - Coming Soon

This course is intended as a refresher course on basic elements of the Christian faith, with an emphasis on simplicity, and focusing on essential beliefs and practices that enrich the church-based spiritual experience.

Spiritual Practices - Coming Soon

This course is an overview of various spiritual practices that are practical counterparts of our faith, and support a healthy lifestyle. These include fasting, biblical study, and meditation.

Acolyte Training

Becoming an Acolyte - Knowledge Component

Welcome to the Acolyte Training program. All the lessons in this section will focus on the knowledge necessary for a candidate to prepare for received the rank of Acolyte.

Becoming an Acolyte - Skills Component

In this course, students will review necessary skills for the acolyte, particularly candle holding.

Leadership Development

Supporting Generative Vision

In the Church, as well our professional life, it is essential to understand, appreciate, and focus on the values, mission, and vision that drive our choices and priorities. Whether you are reviewing exisiting directives, or strives to reorganize your organization or parish, this course is all about developing tools that drive cooporeration and vision-oriented actions.