The Garden Ministry is an innovative program at St. John Armenian Church that uses gardening, an important part of Armenian identity, to sustainably grow not just food, which will be used by our parish and local charities, but also grow our community and the faithful's relationship with Christ. Participants will join a fun group that will spend time cultivating the garden, and learning about gardening techniques, and also how faith intersects with urban farming.
Join the Garden Ministry now, by clicking here and filling out the Interest Form on the right.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I sign up?
- You can sign up for the garden ministry online by clicking here and filling out the interest form on the right of the page. You can also contact the church office you have any questions.
- Who is this program for?
- Garden ministry is designed for everybody, men and women, young and old, who have an interest in gardening and working with nature. Gardening sessions are held on Wednesday afternoons and everyone is welcome. As part of the garden ministry, one Sunday a month is set aside for our Sunday school children to have a session in the garden learning and Bible lesson which incorporates gardening.
- What sort of activities will I be doing?
- Regular gardening days, which are every Wednesday from 11am to 3pm and some weekends, the crew manages and cultivates our garden. This includes planting, weeding, tilling, harvesting, and other sorts of work that is necessary to build up and maintain the garden. This is a way to enjoy some healthy and fun work outside, learn some essential gardening knowledge, and even share your experience for the benefit of the church.
- What does this have to do with the church?
- We believe that gardening is both a physically and spiritually beneficial activity. It's deep within the soul of the Armenian Church that we find a healthy connection to the land, which cultivates within us a respect for God's creation and grattitude for his bounty. Working in the garden provides this metaphorical deep insight regarding our spiritual journey. Even Christ himself often spoke using parables that were based on agricultural experiences. Lastly, as part of the charitable aspect of this ministry, the produce that comes from the garden benefits of the church community as well as a local soup kitchen.
- When does the Garden Ministry meet?
- The Garden Ministry meets every Wednesday from 11 AM to 3 PM, unless otherwise announced. There are also special gardening days on certain Saturdays and Sundays which are announced. Once a month, on the 4th Sunday, Sunday school has a Bible lesson in the garden.
- Can I donate tools or supplies?
- The garden ministry is always in need of tools and supplies to continue furthering its mission. If you have any of these items (our wish list will be posted soon) that you would like to donate please contact the church office by e-mail info@stjohnarmenianchurch.com.
- Why does the Garden Ministry keep bees?
- Bees are an important part of a healthy garden ecosystem. They, like all helper insects, perform helpful tasks such as pollinating and ensure healthy gardens. Lastly, Armenian monastic complexes, such as Geghard in Armenia, have kept bees. The honey collected from the bee hives is be used to benefit the parish.