Divine Liturgy

Repeats every week every Sunday until Wed Dec 31 2025.
Sunday, February 19, 2023 - 10:30am to 12:30pm

Join us every Sunday morning to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. The Divine liturgy is the main worship service of the Armenian Church. But the Badarak is much more than that. It provides the most intimate encouter we can have with God in this life. In the Divine Liturgy, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, comes to his people - to you and me - in two forms: First, by his Word, in the reading of the holy Gospel; and second, by his holy Body and Blood, in Holy Communion. These two actions -- the reading of the Word of God, and the reception of Holy Communion -- are the two pillars or building blocks of the Divine Liturgy in all ancient, apostolic churches. 

Learn more about Divine Liturgy on our website, and if this is your first time visiting, check out our new visitors page.


St. John Armenian Church