"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." – 1 Peter 4:10
Do you want to know what really keeps a church alive and prosperous? Many people would say that it is the pastor. The role of the pastor is extremely important. However, volunteerism is the lifeblood of any church.
No matter what your gift or aptitude, there are plenty of ways for you to serve God and his people. You don’t need to be a clergyman in order to make an impact in your local church. Every role is important to the development of our community.
Myths About Volunteering
People are often concerned that volunteering is a huge time commitment. That is not necessarily true. Your service doesn’t have to be endless. You can serve on a rotational basis and still make an impact.
How to Get Involved
Getting involved is as simple as letting us know. If you see an area you want to participate in, find the person in charge and let us know. Let them know from the beginning how much time you able to commit. There is always a spot for you.
If you want to see our church grow and prosper, then we encourage you to volunteer and give your time. St. John strives to serve you spiritually. Start giving your time and you’ll begin to see God bless you and St. John.
If interested in volunteering please call the church office 415-661-1142, email info@stjohnarmenianchurch.com, or speak with the Parish Priest or a member of the Parish Council.
Volunteer Thursdays
A group of volunteers works every Thursday from 11am to 1pm. During this time, we help tidy up the church grounds, prepare mailings, work the church garden, and do all sorts of things. It's a great time for fellowship! Volunteer Thursday is open to all. If you have questions, email organizer Paula Boghossian at paulaboghos@sbcglobal.net.
Food Festival
One of our great opportunities for volunteering is the annual Food Festival. If you would like to help cook, find our latest annual cooking schedule on this website, which is usually released in June. If you would like to work during the food festival, just email us at info@stjohnarmenianchurch.com. Over 150 volunteers work every year to make our Food Festival possible.