St. John Armenian Church Celebrates the Feast of Pentecost (Hokekaloust), and Sunday School Year-End

Publish Date: 
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Feast of Pentecost is the commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the fiftieth day following the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Armenian Church celebrates this feast 50 days following Easter Sunday.

During the Divine Liturgy, Fr. Mesrop Ash delivered a sermon to the faithful enriching them the significance and the importance of the Pentecost.

Upon the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, The Healing Rite, was conducted where the faithful were invited to participate in prayers, seeking comfort and in their personal and communal lives. 

Following the services the faithful were invited to the Paul Family fellowship Hall for a luncheon co-hosted by the Parish Council and Mrs. Agavni Hamamciyan in memory of her loved ones.

During the Fellowship hour the food festival co-chairs David Tateosian and Charles Cherezian announced the dates of St. John Food Festival and urged the faithful to volunteer during the cooking sessions and during the festival.

As in the past, St. John's Sunday School concluded a highly successful academic year with a wonderful celebration. The year-end Sunday School program was a huge success. The attendees were amazed by the performances of Jr. Karoon Dance Ensemble, recitation of Armenian poems, musical selections performed on duduk.

Fr. Mesrop Ash expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Sevag Sarkissian who once again took the responsibility of the superintended position and congratulated him for his devotion and a job well done. He also thanked all the teachers, parents and the students for their dedication. At the end of the program certificates were given to the graduating students, and gifts to all the teachers as a token of appreciation.

At the end of the program the Students were invited to the courtyard where they were entertained by the Clown/Magician while eating delicious icecream.