Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Saint Mary at St. John Armenian Church: A Joyful Gathering of Faith and Community

Publish Date: 
Friday, August 23, 2024

On August 18, St. John Armenian Church in San Francisco came alive with the joyful celebration of the Feast of the Assumption of Saint Mary, one of the most cherished holy days in the Armenian Apostolic Church. This annual event, which beautifully blends spiritual devotion with community fellowship, was marked by a special Divine Liturgy, followed by the traditional Blessing of the Grapes ceremony and a vibrant parish picnic.

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Fr. Mesrop Ash, our dedicated parish priest, who led the service with deep reverence and devotion. Adding to the significance of the day, we were honored by a special visit from Fr. Mesrop Aramyan, a distinguished priest serving in Armenia. His presence brought a profound sense of connection to the wider Armenian Church, and his words of encouragement and spiritual insights were a blessing to our community, reminding us of the strong bonds that unite the Armenian faithful across the world.

Following the Liturgy, all the faithful moved to the church parking lot, which had been lovingly transformed into a space for this year’s picnic and grape blessing. The Blessing of the Grapes, a significant ritual in the Armenian Church, symbolizes the fruits of the earth and the faithful's gratitude for God's blessings. The ceremony, led by Fr. Mesrop Ash, was conducted with solemnity and joy, reflecting the deep spiritual significance of this ancient tradition. The grapes, fresh and abundant, were blessed and distributed to the attendees, symbolizing the new harvest and the abundance of God’s grace in our lives.

This year’s picnic was particularly special, with over 200 people in attendance, making it one of the most successful parish gatherings in recent memory. The atmosphere was vibrant, with children joyfully playing in the petting zoo and bouncing in the bouncy house. The many youth of the Armenian Church Youth Organization (ACYO) played an active role in serving food to the guests, demonstrating their dedication to the community and their love for service. The combination of these activities created a lively and joyful environment that was enjoyed by all.

The success of this event would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our Parish Council, church staff, and an extraordinary team of volunteers. Their dedication and hard work transformed a simple parking lot into a joyful space of celebration, fellowship, and spiritual renewal. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of them for their commitment to making this day a memorable one.

As we reflect on the blessings of this year’s Feast of the Assumption, we are reminded of the importance of coming together in faith and fellowship. The day was a testament to the enduring spirit of St. John Armenian Church, where tradition, faith, and community continue to thrive.

We look forward to many more such celebrations in the future, as we continue to grow together in our faith and service to the Lord. May the blessings of the Holy Mother of God be with all of us, now and always.