Primate Visits St. John Community

Publish Date: 
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
The weekend of February 3 and 4, 2024, marked a significant moment for St. John Armenian Church, as we were graced by the visit of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. The Archbishop’s presence brought forth a series of enriching activities that fostered dialogue, strengthened bonds within our church’s auxiliary bodies, and deepened our collective faith.
Engagements Leading to Divine Liturgy
On the Saturday preceding the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Derderian presided over several gatherings aimed at invigorating the spirit of our community. A brunch with the Ladies Society, hosted by Mrs. Paula Boghossian, provided an intimate platform for the Archbishop to deliver a comprehensive report on pivotal activities within the diocese, inviting valuable feedback and inquiries from the attendees.

The afternoon brought together the Parish Council, where an extended meeting allowed for a thorough discourse on a multitude of topics. Discussions centered around our shared vision for the future of the parish and the Western Diocese, reflecting our commitment to a collaborative and forward-looking church.

The day concluded with an engaging session with the ACYO, where the youth had the opportunity to delve into the significance of the Nshkhar, the communion wafer, and its central role in the Divine Liturgy. This was followed by a casual dinner at a nearby restaurant, fostering a dynamic and heartfelt exchange between the Archbishop and our future church leaders.
A Message of Outreach and Remembrance
On Sunday, during the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Derderian conveyed a powerful sermon on the necessity of the church’s active engagement in outreach, emphasizing the importance of bringing back the lost sheep to the fold. The service reached its emotional peak with a solemn prayer for the late Archbishop Aris Shirvanian, whose memory we honored on the occasion of 40th day following his passing.
Honoring Dedication and Legacy
The luncheon reception was a heartfelt affair, recognizing two of our dearly departed parishioners, Mr. Steve Jizmagian and Mr. John Sempadian, for their unwavering devotion to our church. Their contributions have left an indelible mark on our community, and their legacy continues to inspire us.
Celebrating Archbishop Aris Shirvanian
The highlight of the luncheon was the tribute to Archbishop Aris Shirvanian, who served as our parish priest for 16 years. Parishioners came forward to share moving accounts of his impactful life, detailing how his presence transformed their lives and profoundly enriched our community. A special film produced by Deacon Anthony Catchatoorian was screened, immortalizing the milestones of our beloved former pastor.
Gratitude and Reflections
The luncheon concluded with Archbishop Hovnan Derderian sharing his reflections, expressing gratitude for the community’s efforts in honoring the legacy of Archbishop Aris. His words resonated with all present, tying together the threads of remembrance and the collective journey of our parish under the auspices of the Western Diocese.

St. John parish offers its sincere thanks to all of the community leaders and volunteers who participated in making this weekend a memorable one for our parish.