Episcopal Divine Liturgy and Michink Luncheon

A special Michink Luncheon with guest of honor His Eminence Abp. Hovnan Derderian, following a full Episcopal Divine Liturgy and Ordination to the Deaconate. This event is being hosted by St. John Ladies Society for everyone to enjoy.

The mid-point of Lent is special, and it is called “michink” meaning “middle” in Armenian. It is a traditionally observed occasion, which morally inspires and encourages steadfastness, so that the faithful will continue on their Lenten Journey.

RSVP by March 26, 2014
call the church office at 415-661-1142 ext. 621
Suggested Donation Adults: $20,  Children 12 and under $10.
St. John Armenian Church
275 Olympia Way
San Francisco, CA 94131