Spring Sunday School Update

Publish Date: 
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Students studied the eight Sundays of Great lent from Poon Paregentan (much like Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday) to Easter. Abstinence this year was also part of the Pre-K students teaching, and for Lent, they diligently gave up M&M’s and Lollypops!

They celebrated by attending a special Children’s Badarak together on Lazarus Saturday followed by a breakfast and the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

We added the music education and liturgy study to our Sunday cycle of classes.  Deacon Kirk Hourdjian has been instrumental in guiding us through these lessons. After studying with Deacon Kirk, students attend church together where they can experience what they have been taught.  Older students are encouraged to engage in church service activity, altar service, choir, etc.

St. John’s garden is alive and well thanks to the children on Garden Ministry Sundays. Students have learned about the care and nature of plants, spices and how they relate to the Bible and Armenian culture.

Along with their Sunday school lessons, students are studying how to find their way around the Bible. Students will be working on “ Grade Level Benchmarks“ to challenge them about what they have learned and what they need to work on.

Thanks to all the Families who bring us your children.

Sunday School’s last day is May 20th, so we hope to see all our students Sunday School!