Parish Membership Directory

Pledged members of St. John parish who opt-in can now access our online membership directory. By registering on our InFellowship page, you can also find our more about active groups within the parish, and update your personal and household information so that our parish database has your most up-to-date information. Eventually, you'll also be able to register for events online, and contribute to charitable projects.

How to register online

  1. Visit
  2. Fill out this simple form, if possible use the email address which St. John uses to email you bulletins and newsletters.
  3. From your email, open the verification email, and click on the link provided
  4. You're done!

Updating your contact information

  1. Visit
  2. Login, if you aren't already
  3. Update your information and press "Save Changes"

Using the online parish membership directory

  1. Visit
  2. Login, if you aren't already
  3. Change your desired privacy settings so that you control what people will see
  4. Click the checkbox next to "Include me in the church directory"
  5. You can now access the membership directory at or by clicking on "Directory" from the top navigation.
  6. Note: You'll only be able to see other members who have also opted in to the online directory